Lars Skoglund

Lars Skoglund
Independent (Lykke Li, Markus Krunegård, Shout Out Louds, Oddjob…)
Since the early 2000s, Lars Skoglund has made a name for himself as the drummer behind a wide range of successful Swedish artists. Skoglund frequently plays with critically acclaimed bands such as Shout Out Louds, Goran Kajfeš Subtropic Arkestra and Oddjob, and has throughout the years also toured with internationally renowned bands like Miike Snow and Peter Bjorn and John. Since 2007, Skoglund has held a prominent role as the Musical Director of Lykke Li’s tours and albums.
Header photo by: Per Kristiansen
Live photo by: Wai Kei Fung
Lars uses the W-5A sticks.
Check them out here!