Luana Dametto

Luana Dametto
Luana Dametto is a drummer from south Brazil. She began to dedicate herself to music and learn drums by the age of 12, until later on, at the age of 16, she joined her first band, Apophizys, where she discovered her passion and preference for Death Metal. With this band, she released her first full-length in 2015, called “Into the Chaos”. In 2016, she got to work as a session drummer for a Black Metal band. She studied Graphic Design at UPF in order to build a career in this field, while still working as a musician in her spare time, until the age of 19. Then, in late 2016, she joined the Thrash Metal band Nervosa, where she recorded their third full-length, “Downfall of Mankind”. After the album release, she traveled and toured a lot around the world, playing at many big festivals, making, then, music also her occupation. At the age of 23, in 2020, she left the band, and started focusing only on her new musical project with some friends, called Crypta, which she co-founded in June 2019 and where she currently plays.
Luana uses the W-7A sticks.
Check them out here!